Take Tunr for a ride today! For those that haven’t seen it yet, Tunr is a multi-source music player with audio reactive visuals. Download Tunr in the App Store! Tunr Homepage: https://www.soundspectrum.com/tunr/ Download Tunr: https://appsto.re/us/lpGJ4.i
The Music Player that Can Change Everything
We sincerely believe that Tunr is a stepping stone to something much greater. Although, we have worked really hard to put together an accessible and easy to use music app, with the kind of cross-platform access that can’t be found anywhere else, we can can go so much further if you also believe in what we are doing. Here are …
Tunr’s Horizon – Sharing About Tunr
What’s on the Horizon for Tunr? A lot of folks have been asking us about Tunr for Desktop, Android, Apple TV, iTunes Music, and support for many other platforms and providers. In short, we are planning for that future! However, it’s not going to come easily. Simply put, there are only two of us working full-time on Tunr, and we …